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巴西鱷魚骨幹黑水晶 Brazil Black Skeletal Quartz / Elestial Crystal

巴西鱷魚骨幹黑水晶 Brazil Black Skeletal Quartz / Elestial Crystal

Regular price HK$580.00
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#骨幹水晶 同時含有地、水、火、風四大元素。

骨幹水晶有比一般水晶還強大的磁場, 可有效吸收負面能量轉化成正面能量, 驅邪避凶 ,尤其是吸收病氣, 因此放在病人房間有極好作用。 另外它也是權力與能量的象徵,可幫助掌握權力, 產生氣魄。

骨幹水晶的外型像一塊嶙峋的岩石,有一種骨塊化石的味道,又由於很多的#鱷魚水晶 結晶像一塊塊壘積而成,有些像鱷魚皮那樣,因此得名。


1. 能量淨化:黑水晶能夠清潔和淨化環境中的負面能量,有助於提升居室的能量場,創造一個正面和平靜的環境。
2. 保護和避邪:黑水晶具有強大的保護能量,能夠阻擋負面能量和負面影響,保護個人免受精神和情緒的侵害。
3. 平衡和穩定:黑水晶能夠平衡和穩定人體的能量場,有助於緩解壓力、焦慮和情緒波動,提升身心平衡。
1. Energy purification: Black crystal can clean and purify negative energy in the environment, helping to enhance the energy field of the living space and create a positive and peaceful environment.

2. Protection and warding off evil: Black crystal has strong protective energy, capable of blocking negative energy and negative influences, protecting individuals from spiritual and emotional harm.

3. Balance and stability: Black crystal can balance and stabilize the body's energy field, helping to relieve stress, anxiety, and emotional fluctuations, promoting overall well-being and balance.

Shipping & Returns

Shipment will be arranged within 7 days.

S.F. Express - Store Pickup / EF Locker Pickup / Office / Home

Free Shipment for order over HKD500

We do not accept any returns or refund.

Care Instructions

Crystals are fragile, please handle with care.

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